Soaking the Beds

The Gemarah Sanhedrin (9B) relates a story. It once happened that while a Rabbi was delivering a lecture, he noticed a smell of garlic. He said: 'Let him who has eaten garlic go out.' R. Hiyya arose and left; then all the other disciples rose in turn and went out. In the morning R. Simeon, the Rabbi's son, met and asked him: 'Was it you who caused annoyance to my father yesterday?' 'Heaven forbid that such a thing should happen in Israel,' he answered (i.e., he acted with the intention of saving the real offender from humiliation.) Similarly, once a camp counselor at a sleepaway camp noticed that one of his campers, around age 11, had wet his bed. He knew that this would soon be discovered by the rest of the kids and, the kids would face a humiliation that he would never recover from. The counselor quickly took out a water gun and took the initiative that he wanted the kids to think he was acting crazy. He started squirting down all the beds with water...