Saving a Little Dog

There was once a time I was walking through a quiet neighborhood late at night. No cars were driving. I could hear the chirp of the crickets in the grass. In the midst of this, I heard a yelp. It wasn't a simple yelp, like an animal making a noise to get attention. It was a yelp of despair.

I looked around to where it was coming from. I didn't see anything moving. The yelping continued and grew more desperate. I moved toward a field where the yelping seemed to be the strongest. There was an old rusty barrel. I bent down and looked inside. The yelping echoed loudly inside the barrel. A little puppy was in the barrel. I tried coax him to come out, but he stayed at the very back of the barrel. It was dirty and rusty, I contemplated going in to pick up the puppy. He yelped more. Then I saw that his leg was stuck in the crack in the barrel. Through the crack, the puppy's foot was stuck underneath the barrel.

Gently, I rolled the barrel a bit, exposing the larger part of the crack. Now the puppy could lift it's leg through the crack. He jumped forward, no longer yelping, just panting with his tongue out.

The little dog was saved from being trapped in the barrel. I walked off into the night.


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